K3's Astronomy - Eclipses
"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which You have set in place, what is Man that You are mindful of him?" -- Psalm 8:3,4

Total eclipse of Sun 11.8.1999
Total eclipse of Sun. 11.8.1999, 12:46:32 (10:46:32 UTC)
Opusztaszer, Hungary (26 km notherly from Szeged)
Our expedition is waiting for the heavenly spectacle
Total eclipse of Sun. 11.8.1999, 12:52:54 (10:52:54 UTC)
Opusztaszer, Hungary (26 km notherly from Szeged)
Sony TR-511E Video 8 camcorder
Total eclipse of Sun. 11.8.1999, 12:54:15 (10:54:15 UTC)
Opusztaszer, Hungary (26 km notherly from Szeged)
Sony TR-511E Video 8 camcorder, another exposure
Total eclipse of Sun. 11.8.1999, 12:54:59 (10:54:59 UTC)
Opusztaszer, Hungary (26 km notherly from Szeged)
The heavenly spectacle is at the end. The next spectacle will be after some hundreads of years...
Total eclipse of Sun. 11.8.1999, 12:59:21 (10:59:21 UTC)
Opusztaszer, Hungary (26 km notherly from Szeged)
That's me after the whole spectacle - very very happy...

Lunar eclipses

Lunar Eclipses

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Last Update: 28.10.2003